Stephanie Sevilla, self portrait, 2021.

Stephanie Sevilla, self portrait, 2021.

Hello and thanks for visiting The Makeup Culture! My name is Stephanie Sevilla, founder of The Makeup Culture. Allow me to introduce myself...


20+ years of experience in the beauty industry working as a makeup artist, 10+ years styling hair professionally and here’s a little peak into my story: I got my start on the retail side of the cosmetics industry at the age of 17 and fell in love right away. Obsessively, I explored various forms of makeup artistry from elaborate body painting, drag and stage makeup, airbrushing, culturally diverse and high fashion editorial beauty. I worked extensively with beauty brands such as MAC, Bobbi Brown, Becca and Laura Mercier. Guided by this experience, I developed a signature taste that focuses on enhancing ones individual natural beauty and style but with a healthy dose of humor and irreverence. My career has given me the opportunity to meet and work with well known legends Missy Elliott, Ariana Huffington and America Ferrera as well as countless badass visionaries from all walks of life.

Makeup artistry and hair styling naturally led me to explore photography. The Makeup Culture officially launched in 2008 and what better way to develop a portfolio than with pictures of clients! A simple DSLR purchase seduced me into learning all the skills of a proper photographer and have since had the pleasure of photographing major fashion and beauty editorials, ad campaigns for makeup and fashion brands, headshots, even weddings and live performances.

As my interests and life experiences have broadened and deepened, so too have my values and what keeps me engaged with my work. I deeply value personal connection, integrity and authenticy in all aspects of client and personal relationships. The diverse humans that I get to meet and work with are the starting point for all creative inspirations. Once we discover where our values and aesthetics align, the magic begins and we work together to co-create the experience until the end.

Charcoal drawing, 2022.

Charcoal drawing by Stephanie Sevilla, 2022.


I'm mum to a brilliant young adult, Mars, who is ever colorful and keeps me laughing with all sorts of shenanigans. Pictured below, an early covid quarantine makeup play day. I’ll keep the sharing brief to respect their privacy but Mars has shown me how to better embrace all the non-traditional ways of being human. Hello diversity and all the beauty it brings!

Mars, the artist, muse and walking meme.

Mars, the artist, muse and walking meme.

For those Human Design curious, I’m a Manifesting-Generator type which means inspiration is literally the source of nourishment. Curiosity about life, humans, our world, beauty, the arts and wellness is endlessly fascinating so my interests and pursuits continue to evolve. If it captures me, chances are I’m going down the rabbit hole until I’ve fully satisfied the desire to learn and immerse myself in that spark of inspiration. I bring this curiosity to my clients as well and can offer many skill sets to support them on their projects, explorations and journey. Supporting others in thriving is a personal passion!

An early photoshoot: Photo, hair, makeup & styling by Stephanie Sevilla. Model: Lauren

An early photoshoot in 2008: Photo, hair, makeup & styling by Stephanie Sevilla. Model: Lauren


In addition to working with my beauty clients, I have experience in several other art forms that continue to inform my beauty evolution. I spent the better portion of my twenties and thirties as a latin dancer, feverishly dancing the decade away and took up costuming in that process. Think rhinestones and spandex a la Dancing With The Stars era. It was a blast! Eventually, my passion for fashion overtook my interest in costuming so I trained in formal pattern-making and design. This led to launching my own brand of clothing and leather goods line, SEVLYN, which was sold locally in the Durham/Raleigh area. Currently, I still take on selective design work with Dance Companies, private commissions and even the occasional wedding gown.

Shaleigh Danceworks modern production: The In-Between, 2020, costumes and photo by Stephanie Sevilla

Shaleigh Danceworks award winning production: The In-Between, 2020, costumes and photo by Stephanie Sevilla

 After completing an intense covid season, I took a sabbatical and moved to Canada. There I engaged in deep rest and began seriously studying visual arts: painting, mixed media collage and drawing. In early 2023, I moved to NYC to take the exploration of arts up a notch, immersing myself in the vibrant art world of galleries, museums and classes. There I received tutelage from world class artists and accepted commissions for large scale figurative paintings before returning to NC. From Asheville as a home base, I continue developing my visual arts language and proficiency, infusing my beauty business with expanded perspective and renewed creativity.

Being away from NC has revealed to me just how much I value living and creating amongst a brilliant and supportive community of empowered and beautiful people in a place I get to call home. I'm an artist, yogi, truth seeker and compassionate caregiver. The Makeup Culture is all about spoiling my clients, pampering them with a generous, helpful attitude and an arsenal of tricks for every beauty wish.

Custom Mesh Jacket Design for private client, 2020

Custom Mesh Jacket Design for client, 2020

If you read this far, thank you so much for taking an interest! If you think we might have an interesting connection or commonality, please reach out and share. I would love to hear from you, about you.

Follow our beauty adventures on Instagram @themakeupculture to see what we’re up to and for glimpses into my personal life and other projects, check out @ssevlyn.

Keep shining beautiful people! I look forward to hearing from you!


Stephanie Sevilla


Custom Designed Full Over-bust Sheer Mesh Corset with hand applied Swarovski Rhinestones, 2020

Custom Over-bust Sheer Mesh Corset with hand applied Swarovski Rhinestones, 2020

SEVLYN Leather bag, 2015

SEVLYN Leather bag, 2015

Yoga, sustaining my physical temple since around 2007.

Yoga, sustaining my physical temple since around 2007.